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A celebration of Toronto’s love for Italian food and culture, Ultra Ristorante showcases ingredient-led, traditional Italian cuisine. Their commitment to beautiful ingredients and dishes that act as both food for the eye and stomache are trademarks of Head Chef Marco Massi. 

Ultra Ristorante is a four-time winner of Best Italian Restaurant in Toronto Magazine’s Restaurant Awards. Ristorante is an elegant, classic, and warm eatery, with welcoming and attentive service. 

Open for lunch and dinner, with in bar dining menus and private rooms, Ristorante can deliver an array of dining experiences from business lunches to after-work drinks and formal events.

“Never Miss A Child”



Going through a tough time with love…….

Six year old Januar is one of three children and enjoys playing games on his play station.  When Januar’s mother noticed a small lump on her son’s neck she took him to the local puskesmas (health center).  Other symptoms he showed included a fever, decreased appetite and weight loss.   After a number of tests including a bone marrow puncture Januar was diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma and admitted to Dharmais Hospital to start chemotherapy treatment.   Neuroblastoma is a rare childhood cancer that develops in the adrenal glands.  

Januar’s father is a gojek worker and his mother gave up her job as a laundry worker to take care of their son while receiving treatment.   We wish Januar lots of success and love on his cancer journey.


Our Heros


A long road ahead…..

 Recently diagnosed with leukemia, three year old Kiarra’s parents are still in shock.  Their daughter showed hardly any symptoms before being rushed to the emergency room at Dharmais hospital earlier this month and subsequently admitted to the pediatrics intensive care unit for treatment.  Kiarra’s diagnosis means she has a long road of chemotherapy treatments for many months ahead.  

Kiarra, an only child, is looking forward to having a little baby brother or sister in the near future as her mother is 5 months pregnant.  Sending Kiarra lots of hugs as she battles with leukemia and we can’t wait for her sibling to be born.


Our Heros



Keep smiling….

Less than a year ago Fatir was a fun, lively and healthy 3 year old boy who liked to make his friends and family laugh until he started experiencing unexpected falls that he was not able to control.  As is often the case in Indonesia, many families seek alternative treatment which is costly and may relieve the symptoms of childhood cancer in the short term but often leaves the parents feeling more helpless when the symptoms start to reappear.  Alternative treatment to support chemotherapy is helpful, but not as the only treatment.  


Fatir is one of 3 children and his father works odd jobs to provide for his family.  Fatir is being treated for Neuroblastoma and will be given 4 – 8 cycles (about 12 to 24 weeks) of chemotherapy.  Keep smiling Fatir and we are sure you will be back to your lovable self in no time.

Our Heros


Cheering for Fanzern…

A single parent with 3 children, Fanzer’s mother is struggling to buy milk, pampers and GoCar trips to and from Dharmais hospital for her son’s chemotherapy treatments every week.  Typically with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) Fanzer’s symptoms came on suddenly and within days their lives were turned upside down.  Fanzer’s mother is heartbroken and stopped working to care for her son in this challenging situation she is now facing alone.  

Although AML is a serious disease, it is treatable and often curable with chemotherapy.  We know that three year old Fanzer is in good hands in the children’s ward at Dharmais hospital, being treated by nurses and doctors who are very experienced in dealing with childhood cancer.  Hang in there Fanzer, it’s a long journey ahead and we are cheering for you.


Our Heros



TikTok videos help fill up time…..

Thirteen year old Fhirly’s advice to other children with cancer is “keep living life with enthusiasm and never give up”.  Fhirly was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in 2021 and sadly it has rapidly spread to her lungs.  A highly aggressive disease, however dramatic progress has been made in treatment and outcome over the past several decades.  

Fhirly’s father is a security guard and her mother is a housewife.  She is the third child of four children and spends much of her time making TikTok videos to share with her friends from her hospital bed in Cipto hospital where she is being treated.   Fhirly loves to dress up and can’t wait to go home after her treatment to spend time with her friends and do each other’s makeup.  Keep smiling and TikToking Fhirly….the world is a better place because of you!

Our Heros

Baby Nathanael

A little miracle…..

Sarah felt something was wrong with her baby during her pregnancy and was diagnosed with oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid) because her baby was smaller than his gestational age, a condition called intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).  Sarah’s condition worsened and she had an emergency c-section at Cipto hospital. Baby Nathanael weighed 800 gms and was 36cm long at birth.  He was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit in the perinatology ward where he would spend the first six weeks of his life receiving oxygen. 

Nathanael was allowed to go home shortly after this photo was taken and Sarah is so grateful to all the doctors and nurses who were so kind and supportive during his hospital stay.  Sarah’s strong faith helped her through some very difficult moments and she thanks God for her son, Nathanael, who is now a healthy and happy little baby.


Our Heros


Baby Aluna

Septiona was 12 weeks pregnant when her routine ultrasound showed that she had low levels of amniotic fluid surrounding her baby in the uterus.  Low amniotic fluid can be serious, but in most cases, it’s highly treatable.  For Septiona it caused baby Aluna to be born at 31 weeks because there was not enough fluid in her womb for her baby to float around in.   At birth, baby Aluna was immediately admitted to the neo-natal intensive care unit at Cipto Hospital in Jakarta as she needed oxygen to survive.   Baby Aluna grew stronger day by day and within a month was taken off the oxygen as she was able to breath herself.  Shortly after baby Aluna learnt to breastfeed and so was discharged and sent home where her old brother eagerly awaited her homecoming.  

Our Heros

Twins Giance and Ginna


After falling pregnant late last year, Nancy found out she was going to have twins.  She continued working as a school teacher but in her 32 week experienced contractions and some bleeding.  Her husband took her to the nearest hospital however, they were not able to admit her as the NICU facility did not have enough beds for the premature twins.  Nancy was admitted to Cipto hospital were she was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus which are common pregnancy complications.   Her high risk pregnancy lead to the babies being born prematurely.  Both Giance and Gianna were admitted to the neo-natal intensive care unit however within no time were strong enough to go home and were welcomed by their older brother.
